

Inspired by the verb ‘to mimic’ (‘mimética’ in Spanish), myMetica is the next step forward in mental health treatment, creating a more accessible and ‘trendy’ option for those who suffer from mental problems. Its main feature, the ‘morning routine’ guides the user through a step-by-step analysis of their current emotional state and allows them to ‘customise themselves’ to become a high-functioning member of society. The user can choose up to 3 emotions with different intensities that will last for 12 hours. These selections are used to create a medication, based on the user input and profile analysis, specific to that day. The interface will then reveal more features for the user to access, allowing them to track their schedule and manage the day ahead. However, myMetica does not create emotions; it only mimics them. These are layered onto the user, so they only feel what they selected on a superficial level to get them through the day. I created this design fiction and drug-dependent version of society to highlight how mental health illnesses take different forms and there is not a single treatment plan.

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Zeyuan Chen
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